
Antimicrobial Surface Applications

Although most EPA- and BPR-registered hard-surface agents may be nontoxic, their promised efficacy against odor-causing bacteria or mold growth (mold control) leaves much to be desired. In most healthcare reviews, these antimicrobial-acting products have shown to have a short effective life. In fact, microbial regrowth begins shortly after the application of other antimicrobial sprays. Some products utilize silver-ion technology which… Continue reading Antimicrobial Surface Applications

Antimicrobial Coating

Conventional disinfectants are good. However, our NanoFlex MR works to protect all surfaces 24/7 for a period of one year with one application. Once NanoFlex MR is applied, it not only protects your surfaces, it makes them easier to clean. The the active ingredient in NanoFlex MR is LiquidGuard. It kills fungi, mold, MRSA, bacteria and special viruses. With… Continue reading Antimicrobial Coating

New Products

New Products

Our partner, Nano Care, continues to bring us technology that makes our lives not only safer, their technology makes life easier. How? Their products help keep surfaces easier to clean. In the marine industry, our products facilitate easier cleaning of salt water residues and protects against aging and corrosion. In aviation, our products facilitate de-icing… Continue reading New Products